Installation ============ *ARES* depends on: * `numpy `_ * `scipy `_ * `matplotlib `_ * `h5py `_ and optionally: * `progressbar2 `_ * `hmf `_ * `emcee `_ * `distpy `_ * `mpi4py `_ * `pymp `_ * `setuptools `_ * `mpmath `_ * `shapely `_ * `descartes `_ If you have `git` installed, you can clone *ARES* and its entire revision history via: :: git clone cd ares python install *ARES* will look in ``$ARES/input`` for lookup tables of various kinds. To download said lookup tables, run :: python This might take a few minutes. If something goes wrong with the download, you can run :: python fresh to get fresh copies of everything. If you're concerned that a download may have been interrupted and/or the file appears to be corrupted (strange I/O errors may indicate this), you can also just download fresh copies of the particular file you want to replace. For example, to grab a fresh initial conditions file, simply do :: python fresh inits *ARES* versions --------------- The first stable release of *ARES* was used in `Mirocha et al. (2015) `_, and is tagged as `v0.1` in the revision history. The tag `v0.2` is associated with `Mirocha, Furlanetto, & Sun (2017) `_. Note that these tags are just shortcuts to specific revisions. You can switch between them just like you would switch between branches, e.g., :: git update v0.2 If you're unsure which version is best for you, see the :doc:`history`. Don't have Python already? -------------------------- If you do *not* already have Python installed, you might consider downloading `yt `_, which has a convenient installation script that will download and install Python and many commonly-used Python packages for you. `Anaconda `_ is also good for this. Help ---- If you encounter problems with installation or running simple scripts, first check the :doc:`troubleshooting` page in the documentation to see if you're dealing with a common problem. If you don't find your problem listed there, please let me know!