:orphan: Parameter Listing ================= We use keyword arguments to pass parameters around to various *ARES* routines. A complete listing of parameters and their default values can be found in ``ares.util.SetDefaultParameterValues.py``. Here, we'll provide a brief description of each parameter. * :doc:`params_grid` * :doc:`params_physics` * :doc:`params_populations` * :doc:`params_hmf` * :doc:`params_control` * :doc:`params_cosmology` * :doc:`params_sources` * :doc:`params_pq` For relatively complex calculations it can be difficult to know / remember which parameters are needed. Because of this, a convenience object called the `ParameterBundle` was introduced in June of 2016 to package together sets of commonly-used parameters and values. See the following page for more information on creating and using these objects: * :doc:`param_bundles` also relevant to problem initialization: * :doc:`problem_types` Custom Defaults --------------- To adapt the defaults to your liking *without* modifying the source code (all defaults set in ``ares.util.SetDefaultParameterValues.py``), open the file:: $HOME/.ares/defaults.py which by default contains nothing:: pf = {} To craft your own set of defaults, simply add elements to the ``pf`` dictionary. For example, if you want to use a default star-formation efficiency of 5% rather than 10%, open ``$HOME/.ares/defaults.py`` and do:: pf = {'fstar': 0.05} That's it! Elements of ``pf`` will override the defaults listed in ``ares.util.SetDefaultParameterValues.py`` at run-time. Alternatively, within a python script you can modify defaults by doing :: import ares ares.rcParams['fstar'] = 0.05 This is similar to how things work in matplotlib (with the ``matplotlibrc`` file and ``matplotlib.rcParams`` variable). Custom Axis-Labels ------------------- You can do the analogous thing for axis labels (all defaults set in ``ares.util.Aesthetics.py``). Open the file:: $HOME/.ares/labels.py which by default contains nothing:: pf = {} If you wanted to change the default axis label for the 21-cm brightness temperature, from :math:`\delta T_b \ (\mathrm{mK})` to :math:`T_b`, you would do:: pf = {'dTb': r'$T_b$'} This change will automatically propagate to all built-in analysis routines.