:orphan: Source \& Spectrum Parameters ============================== Below, we list the parameters that govern the bolometric luminosity of sources as well as their spectral energy distribution. These parameters are relevant to point sources (via the ``source_*`` parameters), as well as populations of sources used in global 21-cm signal and/or meta-galactic radiation background calculations (simply replace ``source_`` with ``pop_``). Source Luminosity ----------------- ``source_type`` Options: + ``star``: characterized by its temperature, ``source_temperature``, and ionizing photon luminosity, ``source_qdot`` + ``bh``: characterized by its mass, ``source_mass`` etc. + ``toy``: completely parameterized ``source_temperature`` If ``source_type`` is ``star``, this is its surface temperature. [Kelvin] Default: :math:`10^5 \ \text{K}` ``source_mass`` If ``source_type`` is ``bh``, this is its mass [:math:`M_{\odot}`] Default: :math:`10 \ M_{\odot}` ``source_qdot`` For toy radiation source, this is the ionizing photon luminosity. [:math:`\text{s}^{-1}`] Default: :math:`5 \times 10^{48}\ \text{s}^{-1}` ``source_lifetime`` Time after which radiation from this source will no longer be considered. Default: :math:`10^{10}` [``time_units``] The Source Spectrum ------------------- We'll use :math:`I_E` to denote to the SED of sources, which the user supplies via the parameter ``source_sed`` or ``pop_sed``. It is proportional to the *energy* emitted at energy :math:`E`, NOT the number of photons emitted at energy :math:`E`, and is normalized (automatically by *ARES*) such that .. math:: \int_{\text{source_EminNorm}}^{\text{source_EminNorm}} \text{source_sed} dE = L_{\text{source_EminNorm}-\text{source_EminNorm}} where the luminosity on the right-hand side is that determined by one of the parameters above (e.g., the Eddington luminosity of a ``source_mass`` :math:`M_{\odot}` BH) or for source populations via the ``pop_rad_yield`` parameter. This auto-normalization guarantees the radiative yield of a single source (or source population) at some photon energy is equal to its bolometric luminosity times :math:`I_E`. We use square brackets on this page to denote the units of parameters. ``source_sed`` Options: + ``'bb'``: blackbody + ``'pl'``: power-law + ``'mcd'``; Multi-color disk (Mitsuda et al. 1984) + ``'simpl'``: SIMPL Comptonization model (Steiner et al. 2009) + ``'qso'``: Quasar template spectrum (Sazonov et al. 2004) ``source_Emin`` Minimum photon energy to consider in radiative transfer calculation. Default: 200 [eV] ``source_Emax`` Maximum photon energy to consider in radiative transfer calculation. Default: 3e4 [eV] ``source_EminNorm`` Minimum photon energy to consider in normalization. Default: 200 [eV] ``source_EmaxNorm`` Maximum photon energy to consider in normalization. Default: 3e4 [eV] ``source_alpha`` Power-law index of emission. Only used if ``source_type`` is ``pl`` or ``simpl``. Defined such that :math:`I_{\nu} \propto \nu^{\alpha}`. Default: -1.5 Recall that :math:`I_{\nu}` is proportional to the energy, not the number of photons, emitted at frequency :math:`\nu`. ``source_logN`` Base-10 logarithm of the neutral absorbing column in units of :math:`\text{cm}^{-2}`. Default: :math:`-\infty` ``source_hardening`` For non-zero absorbing columns, this parameter determines whether or not the column is applied before or after normalizing the source's luminosity. Default: ``extrinsic`` ``source_Rmax`` If ``source_type`` is 'mcd', this parameter sets the maximum size of the accretion disk being considered. Default: 1000 [gravitational radii, :math:`R_g = G M_{\bullet} / c^2`, where :math:`M_{\bullet}` is the black hole mass]