:orphan: Control Parameters ================== Output to screen ---------------- ``verbose`` Print lots of output to screen regarding status of calculation? Default: ``True`` ``progress_bar`` Use `python progress-bar `_ (if installed)? Default: ``True`` Starting and stopping calculations ---------------------------------- ``initial_redshift`` Initial redshift of calculation, i.e., the redshift at which we switch from cosmological initial conditions to the *ARES* solver. Default: 60 ``final_redshift`` Calculation stops at this redshift. Default: 5 ``track_extrema`` Track 21-cm extrema in real-time. These are referred to as turning points B (first stars), C (first black holes), and D (beginning of Epoch of Reionization) in works such as `Burns et al. (2012) `_, `Harker et al. (2012) `_, and `Mirocha et al. (2013) `_. Default: ``False`` ``stop`` If ``track_extrema==True``, set ``stop`` to ``'B'``, ``'C'``, or ``'D'`` to terminate the calculation once the given turning point is reached. Default: ``None`` ``stop_xavg`` You can also stop a calculation once a given mean ionized fraction is reached. For instance, if you'd like to terminate once the IGM is half ionized, set ``stop_xavg=0.5``. Default: 0.99999 Time-stepping and data storage ------------------------------ ``time_units`` Internal units for time. Default: :math:`3.15576 \times 10^{13} \ \text{s}` (i.e., 1 Myr) ``initial_timestep`` Time-step at ``initial_redshift``. Default: 0.01 [``time_units``] ``max_dt`` Maximum allowed time-step. Default: 1 [``time_units``] ``max_dz`` Maximum allowed redshift-step. Default: None ``dtDataDump`` Save all physical quantities at this time cadence. Default: 1 [``time_units``] ``dzDataDump`` Save all physical quantities at this redshift cadence. Default: None ``epsilon_dt`` Maximum fractional change in quantities of interest in a single time-step. Quantities of interest are listed in ``restricted_timestep`` (see below). Default: 0.01 ``restricted_timestep`` A list containing quantities use to restrict the time-step via ``epsilon_dt``. Options: + ``'ions'``: restrict time-step based on rate of change in ion fractions. + ``'neutrals'``: restrict time-step based on rate of change in neutral fractions. + ``'electrons'``: restrict time-step based on rate of change in electron density. + ``'temperature'``: restrict time-step based on rate of change in temperature. + ``'hubble'``: restrict time-step based on Hubble expansion. Default: ``['ions', 'electrons', 'temperature']`` Lookup tables ------------- ``tau_redshift_bins`` Number of points to use when discretizing the IGM optical depth in redshift. Default: ``None`` ``tau_prefix`` Path to directory on disk where optical depth tables are stored. Set this if you keep optical depth tables stored in a place other than the ``$ARES`` environment variable! Default: ``None`` ``load_sed`` Same as ``tau_prefix``, but refers to lookup tables for complex spectral energy distributions (such as SIMPL) which are expensive to calculate. Default: ``False`` ``sed_prefix`` Location of SED tables Default: ``None``