Development History

ares used to exist as two separate codes: rt1d and glorb, which were introduced in Mirocha et al. (2012) and Mirocha (2014), respectively. Since then, the codes have been combined and restructured to provide a more unified framework for doing radiative transfer calculations, modeling of the global 21-cm signal, and exploring all types of parameter spaces using MCMC.

Here’s an attempt to keep track of major changes to the code over time, which will be tagged in the bitbucket repository with version numbers. I haven’t followed conventions for version numbering so far. Instead, I’ve simply tagged commits with a version number when a paper is submitted using that version of the code (e.g., v0.1 and v0.2), or when a series of noteworthy improvements or bug fixes have been made (v0.3).


Not tagged yet, but a running list of updates:

  • Updated to work with hmf version 2.0.1.
  • Bug fix in \(S_{\alpha}\) calculation for Furlanetto & Pritchard (2006): sign error in higher order terms.
  • Generalized HaloProperty objects from version 0.2 to allow dependence on any number of arbitrary quantities. Now called ParameterizedQuantity object.


This is the version of the code used in Mirocha, Furlanetto, & Sun (submitted).

Main (new) features:

  • Can model the star-formation efficiency as a mass- and redshift-dependent quantity using HaloProperty objects.
  • This, coupled with the GalaxyPopulation class, allows one to generate models of the galaxy luminosity function. Also possible to fit real datasets (using ares.inference.FitLuminosityFunction module).
  • Creation of a litdata module to facilitate use of data from the literature. At the moment, this includes recent measurements of the galaxy luminosity function and stellar population synthesis models (starburst99 and BPASS).
  • Creation of ParameterBundle objects to ease the initialization of calculations.


This is the version of the code used in Mirocha et al. (2015).

Main features:

  • Simple physical models for the global 21-cm signal available.
  • Can use * emcee to fit these models to data.