Models with Multiple Source Populations

ares can handle an arbitrary number of source populations. To access this functionality, create a dictionary representing each source population of interest. Below, we’ll create one population of PopII stars and one of PopIII stars:

# a PopII-like model
src1 = \
 'Tmin': 1e4,               # atomic cooling halos
 'source_type': 'star',
 'fstar': 1e-1,
 'Nion': 4e3,
 'Nlw': 9600.,

# a PopIII-like model
src2 = \
 'Tmin': 300.,              # molecular cooling halos
 'source_type': 'star',
 'fstar': 1e-4,
 'Nion': 30e4,
 'Nlw': 4800.,

To run a simulation with each of these populations, we use the source_kwargs parameter, which must contain a list of dictionaries (one per source population):

import ares

# Dual-population model
sim = ares.simulations.Global21cm(source_kwargs=[src1, src2])

anl = ares.analysis.Global21cm(sim)
ax = anl.GlobalSignature(color='k', label=r'dual-pop')

For comparison, the same simulation with the PopII-like population only:

sim2 = ares.simulations.Global21cm(**src1)

anl2 = ares.analysis.Global21cm(sim2)
ax = anl2.GlobalSignature(ax=ax, color='b', label='single-pop')

Note in the final plot command, we supplied the previous ax object to overplot the results of the single population calculation on the same axes as before.

Alternative Technique

To avoid use of the source_kwargs parameter, you can instead add a suffix to parameters to denote the population ID number. For example, the following is equivalent to the approach taken above:

pars = \
 'Tmin{0}': 1e4,               # atomic cooling halos
 'source_type{0}': 'star',
 'fstar{0}': 1e-1,
 'Nion{0}': 4e3,
 'Nlw{0}': 9600.,

 'Tmin{1}': 300.,              # molecular cooling halos
 'source_type{1}': 'star',
 'fstar{1}': 1e-4,
 'Nion{1}': 30e4,
 'Nlw{1}': 4800.,

import ares

# Dual-population model
sim = ares.simulations.Global21cm(**pars)

# <run, analyze, etc. just as before>

The integers within curly braces are identification numbers used to keep track of the different populations internally.

Linking Populations

If you are fitting a realization of the 21-cm signal with a multi-population model, you may want to have parameters common to both models that are allowed to vary. To link two parameters together, you can do the following:

pars = \
 'Tmin{0}': 1e4,               # atomic cooling halos
 'source_type{0}': 'star',
 'fstar{0}': 1e-1,
 'Nion{0}': 4e3,
 'Nlw{0}': 9600.,

 'Tmin{1}': 300.,              # molecular cooling halos
 'source_type{1}': 'star',
 'fstar{1}': 1e-4,
 'Nion{1}': 'Nion{0}',         # Linked Nion of population #1 to that of population #0
 'Nlw{1}': 4800.,

import ares

# Dual-population model
sim = ares.simulations.Global21cm(**pars)

# <run, analyze, etc. just as before>