Built-In Analysis ToolsΒΆ

ares has a built-in analysis module which contains routines for performing standard operations like plotting the ionization history, thermal history, and global 21-cm signature for a given input model. For example,

import ares
sim = ares.simulations.Global21cm()

# ...once simulation is complete
anl = ares.analysis.Global21cm(sim)
ax = anl.GlobalSignature()

If instead you’d like to examine the ionization/thermal evolution:

ax2 = anl.IonizationHistory(fig=2)
ax3 = anl.TemperatureHistory(fig=3)

or look at the cumulative CMB optical depth:

ax4 = anl.OpticalDepthHistory(fig=4)

Each of these functions accept standard matplotlib keyword arguments like color, ls, label, and so on.