Running ares with emcee

It’s relatively straightforward to call the Markov-Chain Monte Carlo code emcee (Foreman-Mackey et al. (2013)), and perform a fits to:

  • The turning points in the global 21-cm signal.
  • The galaxy luminosity function
  • Something really cool I haven’t even thought of yet!

Some examples below.

Generic MCMC Fitting

# Create some fake data
x = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1)
y = np.exp(-(x - 5)**2 / 2. / 1.**2)
y += np.random.normal(loc=0., scale=0.1, size=len(y))

# Plot it
pl.plot(x, y, label='"data"')

# Initialize a fitter object and give it the data to be fit
fitter = ModelFit()

fitter.xdata = x
fitter.ydata = y
fitter.error = 0.5 * np.ones_like(y)

# Define the model (a Gaussian)
model = lambda x, *pars: pars[0] * np.exp(-(x - pars[1])**2 / 2. / pars[2]**2)

class loglikelihood:
    def __init__(self, xdata, ydata, error, model):
        self.xdata = xdata
        self.ydata = ydata
        self.error = error
        self.model = model

    def __call__(self, pars):

        model = self.model(self.xdata, *pars)

        return -np.sum((self.ydata - model)**2 / 2. / self.error**2), {}

# Give the dimensions of the parameter space names (optional)
fitter.parameters = ['A', 'mu', 'sigma']
fitter.is_log = False

# Setup # of walkers and initial guesses for them
fitter.nwalkers = 100

fitter.jitter = 0.25
fitter.guesses = [1., 5., 1.]

# Set the loglikelihood attribute
fitter.loglikelihood = loglikelihood(x, y, fitter.error, model)

# Run the thing'test_generic_mcmc', steps=500, save_freq=50, clobber=True)

# Read-in the results and make a few plots
anl = ares.analysis.ModelSet('test_generic_mcmc')

# Best-fit model
pars = anl.max_likelihood_parameters()

best_fit = map(lambda x: model(x, pars['A'], pars['mu'], pars['sigma']), x)
pl.plot(x, best_fit, color='b', label='best fit')

# Confidence contours
anl.TrianglePlot(anl.parameters, fig=2)

Fitting Global 21-cm Extrema

The fastest model to fit is one treating the Lyman-\(\alpha\), ionization, and thermal histories as a tanh function:

# These go to every calculation
base_pars = \
 'problem_type': 101,
 'tanh_model': True,
 'blob_names': [['tau_e'], ['cgm_h_2', 'igm_Tk', 'igm_dTb']],
 'blob_ivars': [None, np.arange(6, 21)],
 'blob_funcs': None,

Now, initialize a fitter:

# Initialize fitter
fit = ares.inference.ModelFit(**base_pars)

and the turning points to be fit:

# Assume default parameters = base_pars

# Set errors
fitter.error = {tp:[1.0, 5.] for tp in list('BCD')}

Finally, we set the parameters to be varied in the fit and their priors, which in this case we’ll take to be uninformative over a relatively broad range:

# Set axes of parameter space
fitter.parameters = ['tanh_xz0', 'tanh_xdz', 'tanh_Tz0', 'tanh_Tdz']
fitter.is_log = [False]*4

# Set priors on model parameters (uninformative)
fit.priors = \
 'tanh_xz0': ['uniform', 5., 20.],
 'tanh_xdz': ['uniform', 0.1, 20],
 'tanh_Tz0': ['uniform', 5., 20.],
 'tanh_Tdz': ['uniform', 0.1, 20],

# Set the number of Goodman-Weare walkers
fit.nwalkers = 128

To finally run it,'test_tanh', burn=10, steps=50, save_freq=10)

This will result in a series of files named test_tanh*.pkl.

Fitting Global 21-cm Signal

Fitting the Galaxy Luminosity Function