Parameter Bundles

The goal of ParameterBundles is to neatly package sets of commonly-used parameters with their most often-used values. This means you don’t need to sift through the vast listing in SetDefaultParameterValues and attempt to determine which you’ll need every time you run a new type of calculation. Instead, you can initialize a ParameterBundle object, and make modifications from there.

This sort of functionality already exists to some degree given the different Problem Types in ares. However, problem types are reserved for simulations only, whereas parameter bundles can be used to separately initialize the sub-components of a typical ares calculation, like GalaxyPopulation objects, parameters governing numerical approximations and the physics being included, etc.

In the future, the problem types in ares will probably be re-defined in terms of parameter bundles.



Initialize a simple model for the global 21-cm signal.
Initialize a 1-D radiative transfer calculation.


If the bundle you specify is not defined in the appropriate object in ares.util.ParameterBundles, ares will search for a module of the same name in ares/input/litdata. For more on these kinds of modules, see Using Data from the Literature.

Initialize a simulation of the global 21-cm signal using the galaxy luminosity function as the underlying model, as in (insert citation here).