More Detailed Models: The GalaxyPopulation object

Most global 21-cm examples in the documentation tie the volume-averaged emissivity of galaxies to the rate at which mass collapses into dark matter halos (this is the default option in ares). Because of this, they are referred to as \(f_{\text{coll}}\) models throughout, and are selected by setting pop_sfr_model='fcoll'. In the code, they are represented by GalaxyAggregate objects, named as such because galaxies are only modeled in aggregate, i.e., there is no distinction in the properties of galaxies as a function of mass, luminosity, etc.

However, we can also run more detailed models in which the properties of galaxies are allowed to change as a function of halo mass, redshift, and/or potentially other quantities.

A few usual imports before we begin:

import ares
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

A Simple GalaxyPopulation

The most common extension to simple models is to allow the star formation efficiency (SFE) to vary as a function of halo mass. This is motivated observationally by the mismatch in the shape of the galaxy luminosity function (LF) and dark matter halo mass function (HMF). In Mirocha, Furlanetto, & Sun (2016), we adopted a double power-law form for the SFE, i.e.,

\[f_{\ast}(M_h) = \frac{2 f_{\ast,p}} {\left(\frac{M_h}{M_{\text{p}}} \right)^{\gamma_{\text{lo}}} + \left(\frac{M_h}{M_{\text{p}}} \right)^{\gamma_{\text{hi}}}}\]

where the free parameters are the normalization, \(f_{\ast,p}\), the peak mass, \(M_p\), and the power-law indices in the low-mass and high-mass limits, \(\gamma_{\text{lo}}\) and \(\gamma_{\text{hi}}\), respectively. Combined with a model for the mass accretion rate onto dark matter halos (\(\dot{M}_h\); see next section), the star formation rate as computed as

\[\dot{M}_{\ast} = f_{\ast} \left(\frac{\Omega_{b,0}}{\Omega_{m,0}} \right) \dot{M}_h\]

In general, the SFE curve must be calibrated to an observational dataset (see Fitting Galaxy Luminosity Functions), but you can also just grab our best-fitting parameters for a redshift-independent SFE curve as follows:

p = ares.util.ParameterBundle('mirocha2016:dpl')
pars = p.pars_by_pop(0, strip_id=True)

The second command extracts only the parameters associated with population #0, which is the stellar population in this calculation (population #1 is responsible for X-ray emission only). Passing strip_id=True removes all ID numbers from parameter names, e.g., pop_sfr_model{0} becomes pop_sfr_model. The reason for doing that is so we can generate a single GalaxyPopulation instance, e.g.,

pop = ares.populations.GalaxyPopulation(**pars)

If you glance at the contents of pars, you’ll notice that the parameters that define the double power-law share a pq prefix. This is short for “parameterized quantity”, and will be discussed more generally in the next major section.


You can access population objects used in a simulation via the pops attribute, which is a list of population objects that belongs to instances of common simulation classes like Global21cm, MetaGalacticBackground, etc.

Now, to generate a model for the luminosity function, simply define your redshift of interest and array of magnitudes (assumed to be rest-frame \(1600 \AA\) AB magnitudes), and pass them to the aptly named LuminosityFunction function,

z = 4
MUV = np.linspace(-24, -10)
lf = pop.LuminosityFunction(z, MUV)

pl.semilogy(MUV, lf)

To compare to the observed galaxy luminosity function, we can use some convenience routines setup to easily access and plot measurements stored in the ares litdata module:

obslf = ares.analysis.ObservedLF()
obslf.Plot(z=z, round_z=0.3)

The round_z makes it so that any dataset available in the range \(3.7 \leq z \leq 4.3`\) gets included in the plot. To do this for multiple redshifts at the same time, you could do something like:

redshifts = [5,6,7]
MUV = np.linspace(-24, -10)

# Create a 1x3 panel plot, include all available data sources
mp = obslf.MultiPlot(redshifts, round_z=0.3, ncols=3, sources='all')

for i, z in enumerate(redshifts):

    # Grab panel ID number corresponding to this redshift.
    j = obslf.redshifts_in_mp[i]

    lf = pop.LuminosityFunction(z, MUV)

    # [optional] dust correction!
    Mobs = pop.dust.Mobs(z, MUV)

    mp.grid[j].semilogy(Mobs, lf)

To create the GalaxyPopulation used above by scratch, we could have just done:

pars = \
 'pop_sfr_model': 'sfe-func',
 'pop_sed': 'eldridge2009',

 'pop_fstar': 'pq',
 'pq_func': 'dpl',
 'pq_func_par0': 0.05,
 'pq_func_par1': 2.8e11,
 'pq_func_par2': 0.51,
 'pq_func_par3': -0.61,

pop = ares.populations.GalaxyPopulation(**pars)

Accretion Models

By default, ares will derive the mass accretion rate (MAR) onto halos from the HMF itself (see Section 2.2 of Furlanetto et al. for details). That is, pop_MAR='hmf' by default. There are also two other options:

  • Plug-in your favorite mass accretion model as a lambda function, e.g., pop_MAR=lambda z, M: 1. * (M / 1e12)**1.1 * (1. + z)**2.5.
  • Grab a model from litdata. The median MAR from McBride et al. (2009) is included, and can used as pop_MAR='mcbride2009'. If you’d like to add more options, use $ARES/input/litdata/ as a guide.


Note that the MAR formulae determined from numerical simulations may not have been calibrated at the redshifts most often targeted in ares calculations, nor are they guaranteed to be self-consistent with the HMF used in ares. One approach used in Sun & Furlanetto (2016) is to re-normalize the MAR by requiring its integral to match that predicted by \(f_{\text{coll}}(z)\), which can boost the accretion rate at high redshifts by a factor of few. Setting pop_MAR_conserve_norm=True will enforce this condition in ares.

Parameterize a ParameterizedQuantity

It is also possible to allow components of a ParameterizedQuantity to themselves be parameterized. For example, say we wanted to allow the normalization of the SFE to evolve with redshift, i.e.,

\[f_{\ast}(M_h) = \frac{2 f_{\ast,0} \left(\frac{1+z}{7}\right)^{\gamma_z}} {\left(\frac{M_h}{M_{\text{p}}} \right)^{\gamma_{\text{lo}}} + \left(\frac{M_h}{M_{\text{p}}} \right)^{\gamma_{\text{hi}}}}\]

Starting from the pure dpl model above, we can make a few modifications:

# Extra multiplicative boost with redshift, par0 * (var / par1)**par2
pars = \
 'pop_sfr_model': 'sfe-func',
 'pop_sed': 'eldridge2009',

 'pop_fstar': 'pq[0]',      # Give it an ID this time, since we'll add another
 'pq_func[0]': 'dpl',

 'pq_func_par0[0]': 'pq[1]',   # Note the change!
 'pq_func[1]': 'pl',
 'pq_func_var[1]': '1+z',
 'pq_func_par0[1]': 0.05,
 'pq_func_par1[1]': 7.,
 'pq_func_par2[1]': 1.,    # This is gamma_z

 # Old parameters that we still need
 'pq_func_par1[0]': 2.8e11,
 'pq_func_par2[0]': 0.51,
 'pq_func_par3[0]': -0.61,


To verify that this has worked, let’s plot the SFE as a function of redshift:

pop = ares.populations.GalaxyPopulation(**pars)

redshifts = [4,5,6]
Mh = np.logspace(8, 13)

for z in redshifts:
    fstar = pop.SFE(z=z, Mh=Mh)
    pl.loglog(Mh, fstar)


The only method of ParameterizedQuantity objects ever called is the __call__ method, which accepts **kwargs. As a result, we must always supply arguments accordingly (i.e., supplying positional arguments only will not suffice), hence the z=z, Mh=Mh usage above.


Correcting for reddening due to the presence of dust in star-forming galaxies can be extremely important, especially in massive galaxies. When calling upon the LuminosityFunction method as in the above example, be aware that all magnitudes returned are not corrected for dust. That has been implemented as a separate step, so that one can generate a physical model first and still have the option of changing the dust correction afterward.

At its simplest, the dust correction looks as follows (e.g., Meurer et al. 1999)

\[A_{\text{UV}} = a + b \beta\]

where \(\beta\) is the rest-frame UV slope, and \(a\) and \(b\) are empirically-derived constants.

Some common dust corrections can be accessed by name and passed in via the dustcorr_method parameter:

  • meurer1999
  • pettini1998

By default, ares will assume a constant \(\beta=-2\). However, in general this is a poor approximation: fainter galaxies are known to suffer less from dust reddening than bright galaxies. Simply set dustcorr_beta='bouwens2014', for example, to adopt the Bouwens et al. 2014 \(M_{\text{UV}}-\beta\) relation.

Multiple Parameterized Quantities (PQs)

In general, we can use the same approach outlined above to parameterize other quantities as a function of halo mass and/or redshift. For example, we can use a double power-law SFE model and set the escape fraction to be a step function in halo mass:

pars = \
 'pop_sfr_model': 'sfe-func',
 'pop_sed': 'eldridge2009',

 'pop_fstar': 'pq[0]',
 'pq_func[0]': 'dpl',
 'pq_func_par0[0]': 0.05,
 'pq_func_par1[0]': 2.8e11,
 'pq_func_par2[0]': 0.5,
 'pq_func_par3[0]': -0.5,

 'pop_fesc': 'pq[1]',
 'pq_func[1]': 'astep',
 'pq_func_par0[1]': 0.02,
 'pq_func_par1[1]': 0.2,
 'pq_func_par2[1]': 1e10,


Note that here we gave ID numbers for each PQ in square brackets, and attached the same string to each parameter specific to that quantity. To check the result:

pop = ares.populations.GalaxyPopulation(**pars)

Mh = np.logspace(7, 13, 100)

pl.loglog(Mh, pop.SFE(4, Mh))
pl.loglog(Mh, pop.fesc(4, Mh))

Currently, the following parameters are supported by the PQ protocol:

  • pop_fstar
  • pop_fesc
  • pop_focc