Analyzing MCMC Calculations

If you don’t yet have a dataset to work with, you can make one by following Fitting the Global 21-cm Signal or Fitting Galaxy Luminosity Functions. Also, the analysis machinery for MCMC calculations is identical to that used to analyze model grids, so it may also be useful to look at Analyzing Model Grids / Monte Carlo Simulations.

Specialized Analysis: Galaxy Luminosity Functions

There is yet another specialized class for analyzing fits of LF data: ModelSetLF, which just inherits the standard ModelSet class and has a few convenience routines for plotting.

First, create an instance of said class:

anl = ares.analysis.ModelSetLF('lffit')

Let’s have a look at a triangle plot showing constraints on all parameters:

mp = anl.TrianglePlot(anl.parameters, color_by_like=True,
    colors=['g', 'b'], fig=1)

Now, let’s have a look at how our best fit does compared to some data. First, show a few observational datasets (by default, will include whatever exists in $ARES/input/litdata – see Working with Data and Models From the Literature – at the right redshifts \(\pm \texttt{round_z}\)):

redshifts = [6,7,8]
obslf = ares.analysis.GalaxyPopulation()

mp2 = obslf.MultiPlot(redshifts, round_z=0.4, ncols=3, fig=2)

Next, loop over the redshifts of interest and plot the best fit:

for i, z in enumerate(redshifts):

    # Figure out the index of the axis object for this redshift
    j = obslf.redshifts_in_mp[i]

    # Plot a semi-opaque band representing confidence level `like`
    anl.LuminosityFunction(z, shade_by_like=True,
        ax=mp2.grid[j], color='darkgray', like=0.95)
    # Plot the best-fit (taken here to be the median)
    anl.LuminosityFunction(z, ax=mp2.grid[j], color='k', ls='-',

mp.fix_ticks() # eliminates redundant ticks, scales all axes to span common range

If you’d like to visualize individual samples of the posterior, you can do so via, e.g.,

for i, z in enumerate(redshifts):
    j = obslf.redshifts_in_mp[i]

    # Notice `samples` keyword argument!
    anl.LuminosityFunction(z, shade_by_like=False, samples=100,
        ax=mp2.grid[j], color='b', alpha=0.1)

To access the best fit parameters directly,

kw = anl.max_likelihood_parameteris(method='median')


kw = anl.max_likelihood_parameteris(method='maxL')

which you can then use to re-run a model if you’d like, e.g.,

pars = anl.base_kwargs.copy()
sim = ares.simulations.Global21cm(**pars)

or, if you setup the fit in such a way that only parameters for a single population were supplied (i.e., not all the parameters needed for a Global21cm calculation were given), you’d instead do

pop = ares.populations.GalaxyPopulation(**pars)

and go on from there.