Models for Radiation Emitted by Galaxies

There are three main ways to model the radiation emitted by galaxies, governed largely by whether or not pop_sed_model is True or False.


In this case, we’re assuming that the source population is well-described by a single spectral energy distribution (SED). The relevant parameters are:

  • pop_sed
  • pop_rad_yield
  • pop_rad_yield_units
  • pop_Emin
  • pop_Emax
  • pop_EminNorm
  • pop_EmaxNorm

We’ll return to these parameters in more detail below.


In this case, the SED of sources will not be considered in detail. Instead, the amount of radiation emitted in the Lyman-Werner, Lyman-continuum, and X-ray bands is determined by independent parameters.

Option 1: pop_fstar is not None In this case, the following parameters are fair game:

  • pop_Nion
  • pop_fesc
  • pop_Nlw
  • pop_cX
  • pop_fX

Option 2: pop_fstar is None In this case, only three parameters are relevant:

  • pop_xi_LW
  • pop_xi_UV
  • pop_xi_XR

Available Models for Source Spectral Energy Distributions

If pop_sed_model=True, we of course have some decisions to make, e.g.:

  • What is the appropriate spectral energy distribution (SED) for the source population I’m interested in?
  • How should I normalize that SED, i.e., how much energy do sources of this type produce, and in what band?

Let’s run through some common choices. For simplicity we’ll work directly with the source spectra, which means we won’t make any assumptions about star formation or anything of that sort. The way ares is structured, this means we’ll access objects in ares.sources directly. For more sophisticated calculations, all the source populations (ares.populations) are doing is initializing source objects for themselves. More on that in a bit.


When working with source classes directly, just change the pop_ prefix to source_, and you’ll be good to go. This will be our approach in the examples below. When you initialize population objects defined by a series of pop_ parameters, ares will automatically swap out the prefix when each population object initializes its source object.

Before we get going, as per usual:

import ares
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

Power-Law Sources

Let’s initialize a power-law source, which is about the simplest thing we can do:

# Should switch to 'ares.sources.Generic'
src = ares.sources.BlackHole(source_sed='pl', source_Emin=2e2, source_Emax=3e4)

E = np.logspace(2, 4)

pl.loglog(E, src.Spectrum(E))

By default, this is just (shocking news) a power-law. It will be automatically normalized such that the flux in the (source_EminNorm, source_EmaxNorm) band integrates to unity. By default, its slope is -1.5, but we can change that via source_alpha. We can also add neutral attenuation, meant to describe a typical column density of hydrogen gas that “hardens” the intrinsic spectrum:

src2 = src = ares.sources.BlackHole(source_sed='pl', source_Emin=2e2, source_Emax=3e4, source_logN=20.)

pl.loglog(E, src2.Spectrum(E), ls='--')


Note that the spectrum is normalized such that its intrinsic emission integrates to unity in the specified normalization band. If you’d like to force the hardened spectrum to be used to set the normalization, set source_hardening='extrinsic'.

Example power-law spectra, with (dashed) and without (solid) neutral absorption intrinsic to the source.

Black Hole Accretion Disk Spectra

The simplest analytic model an accretion disk spectrum is the so-called multi-color disk (MCD) spectrum (Mitsuda et al. 1984), which gives rise to a modified black body spectrum since each annulus in the accretion disk has a different temperature. To access this spectrum in ares, you can do, e.g.,

pars = \
 'source_mass': 10.,
 'source_rmax': 1e3,
 'source_sed': 'mcd',
 'source_Emin': 10.,
 'source_Emax': 1e4,
 'source_logN': 18.,

src = ares.sources.BlackHole(**pars)

pl.loglog(E, src.Spectrum(E), ls='-')

Real BH accretion disks often have a harder power-law tail to their emission, likely due to up-scattering of disk photons by a hot electron corona. The SIMPL model (Steiner et al. 2009) provides one method of treating this effect, and is included in ares. It depends on the additional parameter source_fsc, which governs what fraction of disk photons are up-scatter to a high energy tail (with spectral index source_alpha). For example,

pars['source_sed'] = 'simpl'
pars['source_fsc'] = 0.1
pars['source_alpha'] = -1.5

src = ares.sources.BlackHole(**pars)

pl.loglog(E, src.Spectrum(E), ls='-')


You should see that there is a high energy tail, but also that the soft part of the spectrum has also been reduced (it is those photons that are up-scattered into the high energy tail).

You’ll notice that this spectrum is a bit more computationally expensive to generate than the rest, that are effectively instantaneous. You can degrade the native resolution over which the SIMPL model is generated via the parameter source_dlogE to make things faster, but of course this will cause numerical artifacts in the spectrum. If you’d prefer to build-up a database of these spectra so that they need not be re-generated at the outset of each new calculation, navigate to $ARES/input/bhseds, where you’ll find a script for generating SIMPL SEDs over a crudely sampled parameter space (in source_fsc and source_alpha).

Once you’ve got a spectrum tabulated, you can load it for a calculation via:

# For example
np.savetxt('your_2column_sed_model.txt', np.array([E, (E / 1e3)**-1.5]).T)
x, y = np.loadtxt('your_2column_sed_model.txt', unpack=True)

pars['source_sed'] = (x, y)
src = ares.sources.BlackHole(**pars)

pl.loglog(E, src.Spectrum(E), ls='--')

Comparison of MCD and SIMPL models.

Thanks to Greg Salvesen for contributing his Python implementation of this spectrum!

AGN Template

Ideally, one could build a physical model over a broad range of photon energies for accreting BHs, but such functionality does not currently exist in ares. However, in the meantime, you can access a template AGN spectrum presented in Sazonov, Ostriker, & Sunyaev 2004:

pars = \
 'source_sed': 'sazonov2004',
 'source_Emin': 0.1,
 'source_Emax': 1e6,

src = ares.sources.BlackHole(**pars)

# This model spans a very broad range in energy
E = np.logspace(-1, 5.5)

pl.loglog(E, src.Spectrum(E))

AGN template spectrum from Sazonov et al. (2004).

There is still a peak in the hard UV / X-ray, like we saw for the stellar mass BH spectra above, though it peaks at softer energies. There is also an additional peak visible at higher energies (the “Compton hump”).

Stellar Population Synthesis Models

You can also use ares to access two popular stellar population synthesis models, starburst99 (Leitherer et al. 1999) and BPASS (Eldridge & Stanway 2009). The requisite lookup tables for each will be downloaded when you install ares and run the script (see Installation for more details).


Currently, ares will only download the BPASS version 1.0 models, though there are newer version available from the BPASS website.

Right now, these sources are implemented as “litdata” modules, i.e., in the same fashion as we store data and models from the literature (see Working with Data and Models From the Literature for more info).

Normalizing the Emission of Source Populations

In the previous section, all spectra were normalized such that the integral in the (source_EminNorm, source_EmaxNorm) band was unity. Importantly, all spectra internal to ares are defined such that the function Spectrum yields a quantity proportional to the amount of energy emitted at the corresponding photon energy, not the number of photons emitted.

Ultimately, we generally want to use these spectral models to create entire populations of objects, assumed to exist throughout the Universe. This is the distinction between Population objects and Source objects – the latter know nothing about the global properties of the sources, like their star formation rate density or radiative yield (i.e., photons or energy per unit SFR).

In global 21-cm models we typically invoke a population of X-ray binaries (that live in star-forming galaxies). A simple example of such a population is explored in The Metagalactic X-ray Background.