Simple Parameter StudyΒΆ

Often we want to study how the 21-cm signal changes over a range of parameters. We can do so using the ModelGrid class, and use numpy arrays to represent the range of values we’re interested in.

To begin,

import ares
import numpy as np

Before we run a set of models, we need to decide what quantities we’d like to save for each model. Anything stored in the history attribute of an ares.simulations.Global21cm instance is fair game: see Field Listing for more information. We also must supply a series of redshifts at which to save the quantities of interest.

Let’s save the following quantities:

  • 21-cm brightness temperature, igm_dTb.
  • Spin temperature, igm_Ts.
  • Kinetic temperature, igm_Tk.
  • HII region volume filling factor, cgm_h_2.
  • Neutral fraction in the bulk IGM, igm_h_1.
  • Heating rate in the IGM, igm_heat_h_1.
  • Volume-averaged ionization rate, or rate of change in cgm_h_2, cgm_Gamma_h_1.


fields = ['z', 'dTb', 'Ts', 'igm_Tk', 'cgm_h_2', 'igm_h_1', 'igm_heat_h_1', 'cgm_Gamma_h_1']

We’ll save each of these quantities at the three extrema in the global 21-cm signal (turning points B, C, and D), and a few other redshifts of interest.

redshifts = ['B', 'C', 'D', 6, 8, 10, 12]


You can also pass auto_generate_blobs=True as a keyword argument, which will (try to) figure out all relevant quantities of interest and save them at a default series of redshifts.

Now, initialize a ModelGrid instance:

base_kwargs = \
 'inline_analysis': [fields, redshifts],

mg = ares.inference.ModelGrid(**base_kwargs)

base_kwargs will be passed to every model in the grid. Note the inline_analysis key: this tells ares to automatically record the values of our fields of interest at the specified redshifts.


You can also pass auto_generate_blobs or inline_analysis as keyword arguments to the Global21cm class, which will then automatically run the requested analysis upon completion of a simulation and save the results to the blobs attribute. To conveniently recover a particular quantity, see the extract_blob method in Global21cm. If you forget what quantities and redshifts are available, see the blob_names and blob_redshifts attributes of the same class.

Now, let’s survey a small 2-D swath of parameter space, varying the X-ray normalization parameter and star formation efficiency:

mg.set_axes(fX=np.linspace(0.1, 0.5, 5), fstar=np.array([0.05, 0.1]))

Load-balancing can be very advantageous – there are a few built-in methods for doing this, but more on that later. For this example we’ll turn off load balancing since we’re running in an interactive Python session in serial:


To verify the properties of the model grid, we can access the names and values of its axes:

ax0, ax1 = mg.grid.axes

# etc.

Finally, to run the thing'test_model_grid')

The main results are stored in a series of files with the prefix test_model_grid.


If the model grid doesn’t finish running, that’s OK! Simply re-execute the above command and supply restart=True as an additional keyword argument, and it will pick up where it left off.


The above can be run in parallel as a Python script, so long as you have MPI and mpi4py installed.

It’s easiest to analyze the results using a built-in analysis module, which will automatically retrieve the data in all files with the given prefix:

anl = ares.analysis.ModelSet('test_model_grid')

To see where the absorption trough occurs (turning point C), you could make a simple scatter-plot showing the redshift and brightness temperature for each model at that point:

ax = anl.Scatter(x='nu', y='dTb', z='C')

To see the where the emission signal occurs on the same axes,

ax = anl.Scatter(x='nu', y='dTb', z='D', color='r')

If you’re interested in variations in Tmin, in which case load-balancing could be highly advantageous, see Advanced Parameter Study. For more examples of the built-in analysis routines, check out Analyzing Model Grids.