Advanced Parameter StudyΒΆ

In this example, we’ll follow the same procedure as in the Simple Parameter Study example, but add a few dimensions and take advantage of some advanced features. It’ll be advantageous to write the following as a script (i.e., not in an interactive Python session) so that we can execute it in parallel. Call it

import ares
import numpy as np

As in Simple Parameter Study, we’ll save the redshift, 21-cm brightness temperature, and spin temperature at the redshifts corresponding to extrema in the global signal (which we refer to as turning points B, C, and D):

fields = ['z', 'dTb', 'Ts']
redshifts = ['B', 'C', 'D']

and now, initialize a ModelGrid instance:

base_kwargs = \
 'inline_analysis': [fields, redshifts],

mg = ares.inference.ModelGrid(**base_kwargs)

Let’s again survey a 2-D swath of parameter space, varying the X-ray normalization parameter and now Tmin, the minimum virial temperature of star-forming halos:

mg.set_axes(fX=np.linspace(0.1, 0.5, 3), Tmin=np.logspace(3, 4, 3))

This is a case where load-balancing is very helpful. The Tmin dimension of this parameter space requires some significant overhead at the outset of each calculation - but once this has been done once, we can simply store that information and use it again and again. Because of this, load-balancing over the Tmin dimension of a model grid makes lots of sense:


Finally, to run the thing:'advanced_param_study')

To run this as a script, back in the terminal invoke the script with mpirun (here, with 4 cores)

mpirun -np 4 python

All the usual analysis routines still apply.